Saturday, May 26, 2012

Weekend Post

Thought I'd wait until today to post and cover two days at once, since this was the first Saturday the guys have had a chance to work here for awhile.

Yesterday, the main focus was to dig a trench along the entire length of the driveway and across the front parking area to run the main water pipes to the pit.  By the end of the day, the trench was dug and all pipes were put in place.
Johnny begins digging the trench at the far end of the driveway
Chris drills a hole through the kitchen wall to join the drainage pipes to the main water pipes outside
Tony searches for the side wall of the pit
Johnny digs next to the pit location
Chris chisels into the side wall of the pit
Two holes have been cut out for access to both sections of the pit
A look at how the trench runs toward the pit
Johnny digs deeper to allow the water pipe to run downward to the pit
Ryan and Johnny fit the sections of pipe together
The guys check levels on the final section of pipe - the double running pee pee trap!

Johnny told me the actual name for that section of pipe, but I like my description much better!

This morning, the guys returned to cover up most of the trench, just leaving the main access points exposed for the Health Inspector to examine next week.  They also worked on sealing up the new doors and windows, as well as finish off a few minor plastering jobs.
Johnny starts the backfill process
Johnny packs down and levels the backfill as he goes along
All main access pipes remain exposed for inspection
Water pipes leading into each side of the pit, prior to being sealed up
Chris mixes up a batch of concrete to seal the holes in the pit
Chris forms up the concrete seal
The side of the pit is now sealed again
The trench has been backfilled and the driveway leveled off

During the past few days, the tiler has been here and the rooms are quickly being completed.  The painter and electrician have also been working in the evenings, so a couple more weeks and the kids should be ready to move in.

Be sure to check back on Monday for a further update!

1 comment:

  1. and hopefully that is the last time you ever need to see those pipes or the pit again! ;-)
