Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Monday/Tuesday report

The guys were here on Monday morning to begin building the walls around the parking area, as well as do some plumbing work in the water tank.  Although they were only here for the morning, they managed to get a lot done.

A small trench was dug around the perimeter of the parking area in order to form a concrete footing, upon which to build the walls.  A very strong batch of concrete was made, which set up very quickly.
Johnny digs out the footing trench along the avenue
The guys determine levels for the concrete footing
A closer look at the footing trench
John Sr. dumps sand and screenings into the mixer
John Sr. at the controls!
Chris dumps a load of concrete into the footing trench
Tony levels off the concrete
The concrete footing is complete
John Sr. puts a load of block in place to build the walls
The block is now ready for easy access
Tony works on the second row of block
The first two rows of block have been built for these walls

The weather forecast for today (Tuesday) was for yucky weather, so the guys got back to building the walls right away.  Thankfully, the wet stuff held off for most of the morning, but it got really nasty in the early afternoon and the work eventually had to be stopped.  The good news is that the entire wall was able to be completed before they left.
Chris and Tony get right to work on building the walls
Tony checks the level for one of the side walls of the ramp
Chris drills holes for the metal support rods to be placed inside the block
Chris and Ryan continue to work during the occasional rain showers
The completed walls
A new parking spot for the car!

Johnny spent the morning inside the water tank, putting new access pipes in place.  He was also kind enough to check one side of the tank for a leak, which has caused us to lose a lot of water.  Luckily, Johnny was able to locate a small hole about 8 inches from the tank bottom and repair it.

I didn't get to talk to the guys before they left, so don't know if they'll be back in the morning or will have to go to the new hospital project.  But, I do know they'll be back at some point, so keep checking the blog.

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