Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday's Tale

A very productive day and the renovations continue to move forward steadily.  The winds died down quite a bit, but it was mostly cloudy and cooler than yesterday.

The work day began with a delivery of block for the construction of the outer wall for the window-well.  The "beeg machine" was used to transfer the block from the truck to the back yard and I held my breath while it was being done.  Check out the following pictures to see what I mean.

Unloading the truck
On the way up
Only a couple of inches to spare
The block is safely on the ground
The outer window-well wall is built

The guys got the "dungeon" walls and ceiling framework completed today, so now the rooms have begun to take shape.  Because the windows haven't arrived as yet and the holes are boarded up from outside, the following pictures are a bit dark.  But, you should be able to get an idea of what the rooms will look like.

This will be a bedroom.  The doorway is on the right
A closer view of the bedroom
The bedroom closet
This is where the wall between the bedroom and my radio room will be

The electrician arrived at the end of the day and we ran flex conduit for the cable tv and internet access points up above the ceiling framework.  Tomorrow evening, we'll run the 3 inch PVC pipe along the inside of the walls.  This is where my ham radio antenna cables will be brought in from outside to the radio room.  We'll also try to run another piece of flex conduit to bring the telephone lines into my office from the back yard.

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