Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Still online - for now!

Although I got my main computer desk moved over to the new office, by last evening, I'm still online from here in the den, this morning.  I set up the computer and modems on a couple of small tables with the basics for now, but will be taking the the equipment over to the office today.  Hopefully, I'll get hooked back up to the Internet sometime today, but will have to wait and see what happens.

It was really noisy around here, all day yesterday, with the guys cutting out walls for the electrical installations.  Also, both bathrooms had to have the walls channeled out to install the tub and shower manifolds.

A load of block was moved into the kitchen area in order to build the bathroom walls, which were completed by the end of the afternoon.
The back wall was cut out to hold the main electrical panel box
Chris arranges the block to build the bathroom walls
Tony builds the bathroom walls
Bathroom walls completed
Ryan cuts block for corner wall pieces
The front wall of the kitchen is started
Master bathroom tub and shower manifold installed

Johnny, the "Master Plumber," built the manifold units, cut the walls grooves and did the installations.  There was too much dust flying around at the time, so I couldn't take any pictures of the process as it happened.

For my part, I spent the day taking all my computer and editing equipment apart.  I've got 3 pages of large notebook paper, listing where all the wiring has to go when I put it all back together in the new office, today.  Sure hope I get it right!

The guys are working at the new hospital project today, so it should be quiet around here as I continue moving the rest of the items from this room.  Then, I need to unpack the boxes and find a place for everything because there still MORE stuff to be moved over from the hallway on the other side of this room.  If I get an Internet connection in the new office today, I'll blog later.  If not, I'll be back when I can.

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