Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sunday summary

This morning, things got going around here fairly early.  Kari got back to painting the living room and had it completed by the middle of the afternoon.  Then, we had to get everything put back in place in time for home school, tomorrow morning.
Kari paints the living room

About 8:30am, Swanee arrived and decided he wanted to tile the stairs, so he removed all the staging and got to it.  Tomorrow, he'll be back to continue as much as he can.  It looks like we're a bit short on tile, so we'll need to pick up what's required for Swanee to finish this area of the house.
Swanee tiles at the top of the stairs
A look at the top landing
Looking down from the top landing

Later in the afternoon, Jason gave his in-laws a tour of the renovations that have been done to date, then went downstairs to start priming the ceilings, after they left.
Jason primes the ceiling in the downstairs bedroom

This coming week is going to be extremely hectic.  I thought I'd be able to start moving my things over tomorrow, but it's probably not going to happen until Tuesday, at the earliest.  I imagine the roof/ceiling of the master bedroom will be poured before the week is out and, possibly, the concrete floor for the new kitchen might also get done.  Keep checking the blog to find out how it's going!

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