Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday happenings

The weather is still treating us favorably, so it was another productive day.  The initial focus was on preparing the master bedroom/bathroom for a concrete pour on Monday.  All PVC pipes were secured to metal stakes, then wire mesh was put in place over the entire area.  Finally, form work was built to keep the concrete in place during the pour.  It's really very interesting to see how the entire process is done.

The guys bring over the wire mesh
Putting the wire mesh in place
John Sr. cuts the wire mesh to fit around the various pipes
Securing the wire mesh and other metal rods
Luis clearing space for the perimeter form work
Chris and Tony discuss the form work
Chris and Tony securing the form work
The area is ready for Monday's concrete pour
Planning Department inspectors give John Sr. the okay to go ahead with the concrete pour

Once the preparations for the upcoming concrete pour were completed, it was back to work in the garage.  John Sr. had to remove the previous day's rubble collection and used the bobcat to do the job.  After the rubble was cleared, he used the bigger machine to dig down a couple more inches to reach the proper level for the next concrete pour.

Soon after, the wonderful sounds of the jack hammer started up again and lasted the rest of the day.  It's a slow process and now I'm guessing it will take another 2 or 3 days to complete, rather than the one additional day I had first thought it would be.

John Sr. drives the bobcat into the garage
Dumping the rubble in the truck
The larger machine heading into the garage to dig down another couple of inches
Digging down in the garage
Luis continues the jack hammer work
The bobcat is parked in the garage at the end of the day

The guys will be back tomorrow and will be putting up the wall board in the radio room, as well as putting up the ceiling in the office.

John Sr. and Tony take a sheet of wall board down to the "dungeon"

Things are beginning to move quickly now and I'm hoping to be in my new area of the house before long.  Then, some pretty major work can be done to build a comfortable home for Jason and Tina.

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