Saturday, March 31, 2012

MARCHing on!

Hard to believe March will be over in four hours.  This last day of the month went by very quickly, but a bit more progress was made.

Chris, Tony and Luis showed up this morning, but Chris had to go home after an hour because he had hurt a chest muscle while working at the hospital project, yesterday, and was in quite a lot of pain.  Hopefully, he'll feel much better by Monday morning.

After patching up the open wall areas of the office room, Tony went back to building the walls of the master bedroom/bathroom and was able to get the back and side walls up to 9 block in height by noon.

Luis worked on the downstairs entrance and was able to complete the work by noon, as well.  Tomorrow, he and his family are going to Florida for a vacation and he wanted to complete his task before leaving.

Tony and Chris get the cement mixer ready for action
Tony builds a corner section of the walls
The back and side walls are now at 9 block height
Luis works on the downstairs entrance
Luis cements the top section of the entrance
The downstairs entrance is finished
A look at the downstairs closet

As soon as the guys left, I headed downstairs to start clearing out the old radio room.  I was unable to get it all done today, but should have the job finished by the end of tomorrow afternoon - hopefully!  The hardest thing will be to find space in this room to put all the stuff I've accumulated over the years.

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