Friday, March 30, 2012

Smokey Friday

There was a huge fire at the Pembroke dump, last night, and we awoke to a terrible smell throughout the house, as well as outside in the yard.  The air was also quite smoke-filled first thing in the morning, but cleared up a bit as the day went on.  However, the smell is still here tonight.

Three of the guys arrived this morning, but weren't all here for very long.  Chris and Tony laid more block, but had to go the hospital project after a couple of hours.  Luis continued working on the wall board in the downstairs entrance area and was there the entire day.  Although he was all alone for most of the day, Luis got some entertainment when I was out in the back yard, trying to get my antenna cables through the 3-inch PVC pipe.  I had a really difficult time with it and Luis could hear me yelling at the pipe and the cables throughout the afternoon!

I finally got frustrated and decided to stop and have lunch at 2:30pm, thinking things would be better after I ate.  Well, that didn't happen.  So, I had to wait until Troy showed up at the end of the day to give me a hand with it.  Of course, he was able to get a different "snake" through all the way, immediately, and I felt dopey..... UNTIL the cables were attached to the snake and still wouldn't go all the way through the pipe when we tried to pull it back downstairs.  Anyway, we tried a couple of other methods and, eventually, got the cables where they needed to go.

Chris provides Tony with mortar
Tony cement washes the back of the side wall
Tony makes sure the block is level
All walls are now up to six block height
This picture shows today's smoke-filled air in the background
Luis installs the downstairs entrance ceiling
The steps leading down to the "dungeon," as seen from the downstairs bedroom
The antenna cables are now in the radio room

I'm not sure who will show up tomorrow morning, if anyone.  But, I have to empty out the previous radio room and get all that stuff up here before Monday morning.  I need to call the Union to see if I'm going to get double time for working over the weekend!

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