Friday, March 30, 2012

A long day

Yesterday, (Thursday) was a very good day.  All the guys worked in the morning, but two of them had to go to the hospital project in the afternoon.  However, lots of progress was made while they were here.

Chris and Tony continued building the walls for the master bedroom/bathroom, Luis put up more wall board in the downstairs bedroom, while John Sr. and Johnny built the framework for the entrance to the downstairs area.  They also built the framework for a nice-sized storage closet at the bottom of the entrance steps.

Johnny uses the nail gun to secure the framework
John Sr. designs the entrance framework
John Sr. and Johnny check levels
The completed framework for the entrance to the downstairs area
The storage closet framework
Luis puts wall board in place
Tony and Chris laying the next row of block
Six rows of block have been laid for the back wall
Our "Master Plumber" does his thing!
The guys discuss the corner area of the back wall

At the end of the day, I jumped up on the ladder and began the process of removing all my antenna cables (and everything else that had somehow made its way up in the ceiling over the years!), so Luis could have a clear area in which to work the next morning.  It wasn't an easy task and it took a couple of hours to complete, but I got it done.  Today (Friday), I'll go out in the back yard and stretch out all the cables, then try to feed them down to my new radio room via the 3-inch PVC pipe.  I'm hoping to do it without the use of a "snake" to pull it through.

While I was in the ceiling, Troy arrived and had to install some PVC pipe in that same area to allow for air conditioning for the downstairs area.  At one point, I was up on the ladder with my head stuck way in the ceiling of the previous radio room, when a pile of rocks and sand suddenly came flying out at me.  I looked over to see the 4-inch PVC pipe staring me in the face, which Troy had shoved in from outside in the backyard!  Then, I looked above that and could see into Kari's room, where some of the Bermuda stone had broke apart from the force of the pipe.  We'll have to figure out how to fix that problem when we get a free moment.

At the end of the night, I helped Troy to get some flex conduit through the entrance wall and into the ceiling area above the steps in order to feed a couple of lights and switches.  We finally finished at 11pm and called it a day.

1 comment:

  1. Damn you should have mentioned those cables while I was down, would have helped with the pull through mate.
